IRCbot infect Facebook chat

Graftor a.k.a IRCbot.CMBJ 

Have you ever receiver link from your faceboot friend chat lik " this link, there was a sexy picture", that link provide by free file sharing sendspace. Picture like below

If you receive link from your facebook friend chat, dont click that, because that will infected your computer by virus Graftor a.k.a IRCbot.CMBJ.
If do you use antivirus from G-Data, you will receive a notification that your pc infected by “Virus:Gen:Variant.Graftor.41286”, and that link (from sendspace file share) will block at the browser.
How if you have infected but you dont have update antivirus yet? You can download removal tool from norman antivirus, that link IRCbot.CMBJ removal tool 


VB Dropper malware remover

How to fix htm/html file that infected by VB Dropper malware remover

To check htm/html file infected by VB Dropper malware remover just take a look at a buttom of your htm/html file. If you see code like below:

That's mean you have infected by ramnit.
You can try this removal tool  VB Dropper malware remover link
How to use that:
Or, you can also just download this zip file and extract it to your [downloadedPath].


java -jar [downloadedPath]\VBSDropperRemover.jar

AVG Free Anti-Virus Definition Update Link (December 2012)

We recommended to update your anti-virus definition update to avoid spam, virus, or trojan that maybe destroy and infected your pc. AVG free anti-virus announce their update definition on their website link AVG FREE ANTIVIRUS DEFINITION UPDATE,

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update Link

Kaspersky have been release new anti-virus update definition on their official website Description new anti-virus update kaspersky december 2012:

Virus definitions for Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
"Kasperky has replaced individual updates in zip files with their Kaspersky Update Utility. They no long will be issuing these types of updates so we have placed the installer for the Kaspersky Update Utility 2.0 in this entry.
Keep your Kaspersky Anti-Virus updated.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus combines reactive antivirus detection with the latest proactive technologies to provide your computer with solid and dependable protection against malicious programs.
Beginners in particular will be pleasantly surprised to find a product that is simple to install and set up, while more advanced users will find a highly adaptable product that can be easily tailored to suit their individual requirements."

Download anti-virus update Kaspersky December link DOWLOAD UPDATE KASPERSKY 2012 LINK
