Downloader-BCV Virus

Profile Virus

Risk Assessment
- Home Users: Low
- Corporate Users: Low
Date Discovered: 6/20/2007
Date Added: 6/20/2007
Origin: N/A
Length: 8.192
Type: Trojan
SubType: Downloader
DAT Required: 5059

Virus Characteristics

Detection was added to cover for a malicious 32 bit PE downloader file originally called "systime.exe" , having a filesize of 8.192 bytes.

Upon running, it runs silently, no gui messageboxes appear on the screen.

It immediately copies itself onto the %system32 folder and creates a registry entry to run automatically upon system start, for example on win2k:

  • c:\WINNT\system32\systime.exe

It might also copy itself to the root of the c: drive, with the c:\systime.exe location actually hardcoded inside.

It tries to download a binary called "network.exe" from : http://drsun####.go#.icp##.## , but at test time the binary was not accessible. The exact address is changes on purpose here with # markings.

Indications of Infection

  • Presence of "systime.exe" , having a filesize of 8.192 bytes.
  • Network connections to http://drsun####.go#.icp##.## , the exact address is changes on purpose here with # markings.
Removal Instructions

All Users:
Use current engine and DAT files for detection and removal.

Modifications made to the system Registry and/or INI files for the purposes of hooking system startup, will be successfully removed if cleaning with the recommended engine and DAT combination (or higher).

Additional Windows ME/XP removal considerations