On this page you will find truly free anti-virus software, free firewalls, free email protection software, free virus prevention software, tests of anti-virus programs, links to specialized anti-virus sites, information about virus prevention, useful evaluation versions of anti-virus software, etc.
1. SpamDel
This very useful freeware program enables you to delete virus emails and spams directly on the mail server before download. This not only saves costs and time, but also reduces the risk of virus infection.
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2. Inbox
Inbox deletes and filters spams, viruses and other unwanted emails directly on the mail server before they reach your email program. Freeware for Windows.
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3. GFI Email Security Test
Due to the unsafe design of some email programs, email viruses now are able to infect computer systems just by email. Once infected, a computer system can spread the virus further by sending malicious emails to other systems without any human interference. Well designed email programs do not display these vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, commercial success is not related to good design...
Virus scanners (please see above) can offer good protection against email viruses by scanning each incoming mail, but will never protect against 100% of all attacks, since it is impossible to know and detect each and every possible type of virus.
Therefore, even when you have a real-time virus scanner, it is wise to get some information on the vulnerabilities and strengths of your email program. The GFI site tests your email program by sending you number of emails that probe your mail system.
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4. How not to get an email virus
Prevention is the best cure when approaching the hazards of email viruses. This article, written by Dhugael McLean, explains how to best handle a variety of email attachments, and which file types you should never open when they are sent to you by email.
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5. Outlook Protection
Some Outlook and Outlook express versions are very vulnerable to virus attacks through email. Several versions of Outlook and Outlook Express can execute malicious scripts or programs hidden inside emails sent to you without warning.
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