RUNLLD.EXE Cloaked Malware

Your PC is infected. The file called RUNLLD.EXE is considered unsafe and there may be other infections on your PC.

You should urgently check your PC and remove any malicious software including RUNLLD.EXE as soon as possible. The free version of Prevx CSI will scan your PC for millions of spyware and malware infections in less than 2 minutes. Don't put your confidential data, or your identity at risk, check your PC now with Prevx CSI.

Associated Malware Groups

The filename is associated with the malware groups:

* Cloaked Malware
* Fraudulent Security Program

File Behavior

RUNLLD.EXE has been seen to perform the following behavior:

* Executes a Process
* Writes to another Process's Virtual Memory (Process Hijacking)

RUNLLD.EXE has been the subject of the following behavior:

* Added as a Registry auto start to load Program on Boot up
* Executed as a Process
* Executed by Internet Explorer
* Deleted as a process from disk
* Created as a process on disk

Country Of Origin

The filename RUNLLD.EXE was first seen on Jan 5 2009 in the following geographical regions of the Prevx community:

* KUWAIT on Jan 5 2009
* The UNITED ARAB EMIRATES on Feb 1 2009
* INDONESIA on Mar 10 2009
* PAKISTAN on Mar 10 2009

File Name Aliases

RUNLLD.EXE can also use the following file names:

* 84035352.EX_
* 67356852.SVD


The following file size has been seen:

* 91,648 bytes
* 136,192 bytes

Vendor, Product and Version Information

These files have no vendor, product or version information specified in the file header.
File Type

The filename RUNLLD.EXE refers to many versions of an executable program.

Rapid malware scanning and removal. Prevx CSI will thoroughly check your PC for malware infections in around 1 minute. It will also remove Adware infections for free! [Download Here]
